Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blogging for Fair Havens, 4: So, What Do They DO? .....

At the moment, Jimmy's the only one up in the air ... literally! On the ground are plenty of Fair Havens staff, directors and volunteers who will be more than happy to talk to you about Fair Havens and the services it provides. Trust me on this ... it's WELL worth your support. Why not come by the Midland H.E.B. parking lot today, and show your support for Fair Havens and their mission?

Midland Fair Havens equips single mothers and their children for self-sufficient living by addressing their educational, vocational, spiritual, and emotional needs in residential and non-residential settings.

Their Services for Residential Clients
Housing at no cost for up to 24 months
Individual case management with emphasis on accountability to a plan of personal goals
Life skills training in the areas of finance, parenting, health, nutrition, personal development, and Bible study
Consistent emotional support through the care of Christian staff and volunteers
Referral to community resources for education, vocational evaluation and development, counseling, and family assistance

Their Services for Non-Residential Clients
Financial assistance for utilities and rent, including budgeting advice, to prevent homelessness
Basic needs assistance with clothing, food and personal hygiene items
Referral to community resources for education, vocational evaluation and development, counseling, and family assistance

You are invited to learn more about Midland Fair Havens, and then consider joining them in this life-changing work.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Midland Fair Havens.
CLIC HERE to make a contribution to Midland Fair Havens.

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