Tuesday, May 12, 2009

George Likes 'em, and So Do I ...

George at Sleepless in Midland has expressed his appreciation for the "What If ..." ads from Sprint. I share that appreciation. Here's the latest, "What If Film Crews Ran the World?"


Geo said...

HA HA! That's a great ad, Jeff.

Love the "I do" cue card -- they'd better get that one right!

Jeff said...

George, I'm hoping the team that conceived and executed this series for Sprint got a nice bonus at the end of the year. They earned it!

Geo said...

Yes, and maybe they'll win a prize for creativity, too. But advertising is a tricky game. I think it was the ad genius David Ogilvy who said an ad can be very creative, but the purpose is to sell a product, and if it doesn't sell, then the ad is a failure. A case in point was the Chrysler ads of a while back featuring Dr. whatzname, the Chrysler CEO. They were great ads to watch, but they didn't bring people to the showrooms.

Hopefully, the Sprint advertising will bring them enough customers to create a trend of smart, humorous ads.

Jeff said...

George, good point. Hopefully, when people think of thosevarious professionals runnng the world, they'll remember themusing Sprint phones as they do so.