... to come hear David Eubank, a founder of the Free Burma Rangers, speaking this Sunday at First Presbyterian Church-Midland, at the corner of Texas and A streets, on the west edge of downtown Midland.
He will speak at the 8:15 a.m. service, then at both of the 11:00 a.m. services, at the first half of the traditional service in the main sanctuary, then at the second half of "The Bridge" service in the chapel.
The Free Burma Rangers is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement. They bring help, hope and love to people in the war zones of Burma. Ethnic pro-democracy groups send teams to FBR to be trained, supplied and sent into the areas under attack to provide emergency medical care, shelter, food, clothing and human rights documentation. The teams also operate a communication and information network inside Burma that provides real time information from areas under attack.
In addition to relief and reporting, other results of the teams' actions are the development of leadership capacity, civil society and the strengthening of inter-ethnic unity. The teams are to avoid contact with the Burma Army and operate under the protection of the ethnic resistance armies. However, they cannot run away if the people they are helping cannot escape the Burma Army. Men and women of many ethnic groups and religions are part of FBR.
But at the forefont is David Eubank. He was born in Texas, but raised in Thailand, part of a Christian missionary family. After graduating from high school there, he returned to the United States, attending Texas A&M University on an Army ROTC scholarship. He enlisted in the United States Army, serving in both infantry and scout platoons before joining the Army Rangers, then the Special Forces, sering in various parts of the world.
Long retired from the U.S. Armed Forces, Eubank now works to fulfill the FBR's vision, "To free the oppressed and to stand for human dignity, justice and reconciliation in Burma," and its mission, "To bring help, hope and love to people of all faiths and ethnicities in the war zones of Burma, to shine a light on the actions of the dictators' army, to stand with the oppressed, and to support leaders and organizations committed to liberty, justice and service.
I think Eubank is the kind of person Baring-Gould had in mind when he wrote the words to "Onward, Christian Soldiers." A remarkable man, with an inspiring story to tell ... I hope you'll come hear it.
He will speak at the 8:15 a.m. service, then at both of the 11:00 a.m. services, at the first half of the traditional service in the main sanctuary, then at the second half of "The Bridge" service in the chapel.

In addition to relief and reporting, other results of the teams' actions are the development of leadership capacity, civil society and the strengthening of inter-ethnic unity. The teams are to avoid contact with the Burma Army and operate under the protection of the ethnic resistance armies. However, they cannot run away if the people they are helping cannot escape the Burma Army. Men and women of many ethnic groups and religions are part of FBR.
But at the forefont is David Eubank. He was born in Texas, but raised in Thailand, part of a Christian missionary family. After graduating from high school there, he returned to the United States, attending Texas A&M University on an Army ROTC scholarship. He enlisted in the United States Army, serving in both infantry and scout platoons before joining the Army Rangers, then the Special Forces, sering in various parts of the world.
Long retired from the U.S. Armed Forces, Eubank now works to fulfill the FBR's vision, "To free the oppressed and to stand for human dignity, justice and reconciliation in Burma," and its mission, "To bring help, hope and love to people of all faiths and ethnicities in the war zones of Burma, to shine a light on the actions of the dictators' army, to stand with the oppressed, and to support leaders and organizations committed to liberty, justice and service.
I think Eubank is the kind of person Baring-Gould had in mind when he wrote the words to "Onward, Christian Soldiers." A remarkable man, with an inspiring story to tell ... I hope you'll come hear it.
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