Personally, I think the value of Boy Scout manuals has diminished over time ... but that observation comes from a perspective that is archaic at best, and is based upon experiences with a Scouting that was older, and geared more towards a rural wilderness, rather than the urban variety ... navigating field and stream rather than drug use and self-esteem issues.
And besides, the dang-Yankee-from-back-east in me much preferred the old BSA headquarters in New Brunswick, New Jersey, over the corporate center near Dallas, Texas.
But that's just me.
Thanks, by the way to Frank at Books, Inq. for the heads-up.
Gosh, there a few old manuals laying around here in PA if you feel a little nostalgic or are planning a trip in the wilderness. Just contact BSA 281
Sis, thanks for the offer ... but, no. I have some to send you, if you'd like.
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