The morning we berthed at Freeport, in the Bahamas represented my first venture onto a Caribbean island, and a chance to exercise my senses to different sights, a different sounds and different flavors.
All of which I got to do during lunch. Once again, I found myself getting accustomed to the combination of heat and humidity … so strange, at first, after spending so many years in West Texas. But I found myself re-adjusting quickly to the years I spent on America’s east coast and other parts of the world … and the constant breeze coming in off the ocean helped!

Also helping the heat was the application of liberal doses of cold beer, especially something locally-brewed, which I always try to do whenever I travel. Of all the material, earthly ties that bind people worldwide, and bring us together into a shared culture, one of my favorites is an appreciation for beer. Over lunch – which I went looking for while the family was shopping - it was Sands beer, brewed right here in Freeport, by the Bahamian Brewery & Beverage Company. Pretty good stuff … a golden beer, flavorful, but not strong … and a fine complement to a meal.
All of which I got to do during lunch. Once again, I found myself getting accustomed to the combination of heat and humidity … so strange, at first, after spending so many years in West Texas. But I found myself re-adjusting quickly to the years I spent on America’s east coast and other parts of the world … and the constant breeze coming in off the ocean helped!

As it turned out, that was my meal. We were in an area that caters to tourists, cruise-shippers and spring-breakers, and the restaurants included a Subway, a Domino’s, standard U.S. fare, Italian, Greek … but nothing Bahamian, at least not during the lunch hour (there were some local fisherman with a fresh harvest of conch, getting it ready for dinner).

Not a bad lunch, really, though I have to make sure to devote one meal – at least! – to conch, plaintains, etc. while I’m down here.
NOTE: These posts have been delayed a week, as I focused on enjoying the actual world … then writing about it in the virtual world.
Glad you had a "NICE TIME ON GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND"....Please vist my web site..
Great story and great Sands photo! Too bad you missed Caribbean Cafe, kitty corner from Rum Runners, Dive Inn Bar & Grill at UNEXSO, Billy Joe's next to the Sheraton, After Deck across from Zorbas, and Da Conch Man at the square. All have traditional Bahamian food - cracked conch, conch salad, fried chicken, bbq ribs, fried fish, peas n rice, macaroni, etc. Irie's at the Westin has more upscale Caribbean fare. Many of the other restaurants like Cafe Breeze, Zorbas, Le Med, etc have a lot of Bahamian fare as well, in addition to international selections.
Happy cruising!
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