From whitehouse.gov ...
"Robert Kocher of the National Economic Council debunks the myth that Health Insurance Reform would be financed by cutting Medicare benefits. To the contrary, reform would simply eliminate waste and unnecessary subsidies to insurance companies."
"Robert Kocher of the National Economic Council debunks the myth that Health Insurance Reform would be financed by cutting Medicare benefits. To the contrary, reform would simply eliminate waste and unnecessary subsidies to insurance companies."

When the gubermint can run social security, postal service, Amtrack, cash for clunkers, medicare & medicaid, the VA with any modicum of efficiency then we the people might consider help for healthcare.
My father-in-law is currently in physical rehab for a broken hip and decided he wanted to be transferred to the VA Hospital in Big Spring. The VA will not accept him due to the fact they have NO specialists or long term care facilities. Time and time again I have observed sub-par care. One incident, my F-I-L blood sugar was measured at 704, after they discovered this we sat in the VA ER for 5 HOURS while he was left untreated, the doctors were to busy typing for hours on computers. What made me very upset was the fact that a drunk came in for the 3rd time in a month for detox and got treated and a room before my FIL did. The nurse could not believe we were "forgotten". The latest incident, he was transferred back to Midland from the VA since they could not provide the needed medical services. As I rounded the corner of the ramp to the ambulance bay, the gurney malfunctioned and my FIL went bouncing down the bumper on onto the ground, thankfully he did not get injured as they had him strapped in.
So right now I have a very low opinion of gubermint healthcare.
Dang....I didn't know JP talked that much...but after reading this, and hearing Elisa Manning, I'm wondering myself about how it will really be.
Wow, posting a comment from the White House and calling it a reality check as if there is no spin behind it. That's rich.
Let's see around $50 million has been spent on the campaign for health care change. $9 million against (NYT times, credit). At this point if the story is not straight, it might be the fault of those delivering the need for change message.
J.P., Janie and Stewart, well said.
The problem isn't a lack of information, the problem is a lack of credibility.
If the President and his supporters still need a feel-good measure it's time to move on to something that won't impact citizens. The town hall meetings provide pretty good evidence that they would like to be left alone.
J.P., there is a long term care facility for veterans in Big Spring. It's not VA, it's run by the state. Name: Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home run by the Texas Veterans Land Board. Good luck to your father in law.
Thanks, everyone, for your contributions.
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