Given enough time, even the roughest edges and the most acute angles will soften ... and so will the sharpest points of contention among us. We are more alike than we know, or care to admit.
Hoist th' mainsail, me buckos, and sally-forth with bucaneer bombast. It be Talk Like A Pirate Day ... a time t' get in touch with yer inner-Arrrr!
Well shiver me timbers and a top o' the mornin to ye matey on this grand talk like a pirate day. And for all ye lubbers out there that don't know, yer host on this scurvy site may be known as Jeff normally, but when he's swashing his buckle, he's actually Wildbeard. Now avast with ye! I have to sally forth into the media battles! Batten yer hatches, and may the wind always be fair for ye!
Well shiver me timbers and a top o' the mornin to ye matey on this grand talk like a pirate day. And for all ye lubbers out there that don't know, yer host on this scurvy site may be known as Jeff normally, but when he's swashing his buckle, he's actually Wildbeard.
Now avast with ye! I have to sally forth into the media battles! Batten yer hatches, and may the wind always be fair for ye!
Come aboard, me hearty! Ye be welcome!
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