Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crazy (and Creative) Young Canucks ...

Few entries in the University LipDub Project have gained as much attention - from news media AND prospective students - as this entry from Université du Québec à Montréal, in Canada.

"Present your own university with your self-made University LipDub video production," LipDub creators tell prospective producers. "Show the whole world that studying does not have to be boring. On the contrary, it is great fun!"

Boy, is it! With a 'good night' like this from the general student population, who needs frats?

This LipDub was produced during the integration (orientation) week of UQAM with 172 communication students. Shot and posted on September 10th, 2009, in just 2 hours and 15 minutes (though it was preceded by weeks of preparation and story-boarding). Did you notice the whole thing is one long shot - that's one of the trademarks, apparently, of a LipDub video.

Closer to home is this LipDub project from Texas State University in San Marcos.

Also, a good 'behind-the-scenes video from TSU ...


Lipdub said...

Hello Jeff,
Interesting stuff!
I hope you will appreciate we talk about this post in our next blog post in the Lipdub Blog ( http://www.lipdub.eu/blog ). Did you know this one? All the best, Bertrand.

Jeff said...

Bertrand, thanks for the heads-up ... I'll be sure to visit. Keep up the good work!