TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Bruce Springsteen looked into the camera Sunday night and told the people watching at home to “put the chicken fingers down and turn the television all the way up!”
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Given enough time, even the roughest edges and the most acute angles will soften ... and so will the sharpest points of contention among us. We are more alike than we know, or care to admit.
I'm with you there, son.
Thanks for dropping in, Jimmy. It's the first time in quite a while that I actually planned to watch the halftime show ... and I wasn't disappointed.
I WAS sorry they had to trim "Glory Days," and the improv of the first stanza to fit a football setting didn't quite work, but loved the show nonetheless.
Did you notice Max Weinberg brought his band down from NYC to proivide the brass/woodwind line for "10th Avenue Freeze-Out?"
Sure, there have been some critics out there, carping about not placing "Born in the USA" in the line-up ... but then they really ought to go past the chorus, read the rest of the lyrics, and quit their kvetching.
It WAS the BEST halftime show EVER!
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