At the dawn of the 21st century, Saint John's Abbey and University seek to ignite the spiritual imagination of believers throughout the world by commissioning a work of art that illuminates the Word of God for a new millennium ... The Saint John's Bible.
In the Middle Ages, monasteries helped preserve knowledge and culture for the sake of the greater community. By commissioning a handwritten Bible, Saint John's revives a tradition and affirms its commitment to the study of scripture, to the book arts and to educational, artistic and spiritual pursuits.
An exhibit of reproductions from the first hand-crafted Bible commissioned by a Benedictine abbey in more than 500 years, is now on display in the Garden Gallery of First Presbyterian Church of Midland, located at 800 W, Texas Avenue (the corner of Texas and A streets), on the west edge of downtown Midland. The exhibit is free and open to the public, and will run thru February 22.
Also free and open to the public will be related lectures by Dr. Kent Lydecker, formerly of the Metropolitan Musem of Art, on Thursday, February 19, at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, February 22, at 9:45 a.m.
Call 684-7821 for more information.
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