Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Them's Fightin' Words .....

Sadly, to Texas' shame ..... during an Alamo Bowl pep rally, a Texas A&M yell leader told the crowd that Penn State football coach Joe Paterno was "on his death bed" and "someone needs to find him a casket."
Happily, to Texas' credit ..... the remarks drew boos from the crowd, and both A&M and Penn State fans have said the remarks were offensive and inappropriate. This was followed by apologies from A&M President Eddie Davis and Athletic Director Bill Byrne - both of whom showed a lot more class than that dumb mook - with his big mouth and small spirit - who started it all.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
If Jimmy's House Is a'Rockin .....
..... don't bother knockin' .....according to this post at Sticky Doorknobs, he's joined the ranks of the guitar heroes.
Thanks, Santa! .....

No frankincense or myrrh under the tree this Christmas, but I DID get the the gold I wanted ..... no word, at this time, on whether or not Eric at Fire Ant Gazette got the gold he wanted for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Christmas .....
There was much to give thanks for last night, in the closing hours of Christmas Eve ..... I was thankful for a full moon, passing through the skies in clear, bright, colorful glory ..... I was thankful that merchants were enjoying a last-minute spurt of holiday shopping - and glad that my own gift-shopping was done, and I wasn't part of that spurt ..... I was thankful for the cheerfulness of the staff at the southside IHOP, as they served up a wonderful pre-Christmas-Eve-service meal for us ..... I was thankful for the sound of Greg Pysh singing "Divinium Mysterium" at the start of our late service at First Prez-Midland, and for the sound of all of us singing "Silent Night" as we passed the light from person-to-person, candle-to-candle ..... I was thankful for the awesome display of lights at the home at 1609 W. Neeley ..... I was thankful that the boys did go to bed on time, without any fuss ..... I was thankful for the bottle of Santa Fe Vineyards' Merlot, and the HD broadcast of "Christmas at Saint Olaf's" that helped My Favorite Landman and I get through the gift-wrapping after the boys had gone to bed .....
And I was thankful for the opportunity to go to sleep with the promise that, "for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Alleluia ..... Amen .....
Happy Christmas, Everyone!
And I was thankful for the opportunity to go to sleep with the promise that, "for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Alleluia ..... Amen .....
Happy Christmas, Everyone!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
"Imitation is the Sincerest of Flattery" .....
... Englishman Charles Caleb Colton once suggested ..... yeah, I guess so ..... but perhaps the flattery only comes in if the imitation is done well .....
Case in point, the Christmas lights sync'd to music by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. snopes.com offers this look at the creation of Ohio electrical engineer Carson Williams, and the urban legend that has emerged from that creation. It's hard to say just how many people have seen and been entranced by Mr. Williams' work.
That includes the brewers of Miller Lite, who have produced their own sync'd-lights-and-music video for a holiday commercial (this one offered by bsmister at YouTube) ..... not as good, really ..... for one thing, it relies a lot more on video editing, which was among the first 'How?' questions raised by those who saw Willams' original (he didn't ..... it's all carefully, electronically sync'd). And even with the shortcut of video editing by Millers' producers, the synchronization of lights and music is not as tight as Williams had managed through the hours he spent on dozens of Light-O-Rama channels.
By the way, Williams now has his own business website.

That includes the brewers of Miller Lite, who have produced their own sync'd-lights-and-music video for a holiday commercial (this one offered by bsmister at YouTube) ..... not as good, really ..... for one thing, it relies a lot more on video editing, which was among the first 'How?' questions raised by those who saw Willams' original (he didn't ..... it's all carefully, electronically sync'd). And even with the shortcut of video editing by Millers' producers, the synchronization of lights and music is not as tight as Williams had managed through the hours he spent on dozens of Light-O-Rama channels.
By the way, Williams now has his own business website.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Christmas Story to Share .....
..... from the wires of the Associated Press, via msnbc.com ..... "Christmas tree survives war, Hiroshima bomb" ..... read through it, enjoy it, and learn how there may be just two degrees of separation between many of us here in Midland, and Warren Nobuaki Iwatake in Tokyo.
Iowa, Shmiowa! .....

Anyway, that's my opinion.
No Place Like Home for the Holidays .....

Boy, does that bring back memories.
Back in the 70s, when I was a college student at New Mexico, I always kept a 'Christmas Club' account (remember those?) at the local bank, saving up enough money to buy a ticket to fly home to Pennsylvania for the Christmas/New Year holiday.
Albuquerque-to-Chicago O'Hare was by TWA ..... Chicago O'Hare to Avoca, Pennsylvania was by Allegheny ..... provided I could make my connection ..... I often did not. At the time, O'Hare was one of the busiest airports in the world, and there was the winter weather to contend with. Sometimes, the return trip (during the first week of January) was not better. On those annual trips, I spent more than a few nights in an airport hotel (they still did that back then) over the years.
We're staying in Midland this holiday season ..... and there REALLY IS no place like home!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Rush .....
It had been more than six months since I left NewsWest 9, and more than six months since I had felt the rush that comes from 'doing news' ..... doing it right and doing it first.
This morning, I had a chance to feel the rush once more, as I was performing some temp work over at CBS 7. The FutureGen project which had employed me in recent weeks was behind me, and I was in the newsroom doing some maintenance when one breaking news story, then another, came across the desk.
The first was a story about an officer-involved shooting in Midland, which crossed our desk late this morning. In short order, we produced the first web report of this story, followed just a few minutes later by the first television report.
I found myself surfing the local 'net, seeing if anyone else had the story (they didn't), and came across another story out of Midland, this one about a Midland city councilman's bid for a seat in the Texas House. mywesttexas.com produced the first web report of this story ..... so we had to settle for the second web report and the first television report .....
Hey, it was still a rush!
This morning, I had a chance to feel the rush once more, as I was performing some temp work over at CBS 7. The FutureGen project which had employed me in recent weeks was behind me, and I was in the newsroom doing some maintenance when one breaking news story, then another, came across the desk.
The first was a story about an officer-involved shooting in Midland, which crossed our desk late this morning. In short order, we produced the first web report of this story, followed just a few minutes later by the first television report.
I found myself surfing the local 'net, seeing if anyone else had the story (they didn't), and came across another story out of Midland, this one about a Midland city councilman's bid for a seat in the Texas House. mywesttexas.com produced the first web report of this story ..... so we had to settle for the second web report and the first television report .....
Hey, it was still a rush!
FutureGen MOB's .....
My testing of the local waters-of-opinion, regarding the decision to pass on West Texas for a FutureGen site, has included a trip down the virtual roads of the blogosphere ..... there really hasn't been much out there ..... and not all of that has been worth the time spent on perusal.
The first to get the ball rolling was Eric, with this post at the Fire Ant Gazette.
Ospurt followed, an hour later, with this post at Jessica's Well. Unfortunately, the thread Ospurt started quickly unraveled in a particularly 'Wellian' manner, despite attempts to get back on-thread ..... and, frankly, I found very little steak underneath all that sizzle ..... a shame, really.
Back to Eric at Fire Ant Gazette ..... he got me, and a number of others to comment on this post about scientific achievement and government-funded initiatives, how we might yet benefit from the initial decision - and perhaps get a FutureGen of our own. He followed-up, today, with this post, offering a more humorous take on some 'Illinois Paranoia' (Illinoia?) being posted by Illini bloggers.
The first to get the ball rolling was Eric, with this post at the Fire Ant Gazette.
Ospurt followed, an hour later, with this post at Jessica's Well. Unfortunately, the thread Ospurt started quickly unraveled in a particularly 'Wellian' manner, despite attempts to get back on-thread ..... and, frankly, I found very little steak underneath all that sizzle ..... a shame, really.
Back to Eric at Fire Ant Gazette ..... he got me, and a number of others to comment on this post about scientific achievement and government-funded initiatives, how we might yet benefit from the initial decision - and perhaps get a FutureGen of our own. He followed-up, today, with this post, offering a more humorous take on some 'Illinois Paranoia' (Illinoia?) being posted by Illini bloggers.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Whew !!! .....
With today's announcement that the FutureGen project was headed for Illinois, came a chance for me to take a breather. Developing the online component for CBS 7's "Countdown to FutureGen" coverage has kept me busy - and off the blogosphere - for the past week-and-a-half. But it's behind me, for now ..... anybody got a cigarette?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another Tub of Popcorn .....

Monday, December 10, 2007
The Job Hunt Continues .....
I have been truly encouraged by the demand out there for a freelance writer and production assistant ..... it's kept me busy, put a little money in the bank, and taught me a thing or two along the way (right now, I'm researching Martin Luther King for an article).
That's not to say I haven't been keeping my eyes open for an opportunity to secure a 'regular job.' I interview at Midland College, tomorrow, for a job there. And, now that UTPB's JBS Public Leadership Institute has a new director I'm hoping they'll proceed with filling some staff vacancies they have - one of which I have applied for.
On a related note, I've applied to be a substitute teacher at the Midland school district ..... there's a BIG demand for sub's, and I would still have some free time to develop stories and other projects in the freelance market.
That's not to say I haven't been keeping my eyes open for an opportunity to secure a 'regular job.' I interview at Midland College, tomorrow, for a job there. And, now that UTPB's JBS Public Leadership Institute has a new director I'm hoping they'll proceed with filling some staff vacancies they have - one of which I have applied for.
On a related note, I've applied to be a substitute teacher at the Midland school district ..... there's a BIG demand for sub's, and I would still have some free time to develop stories and other projects in the freelance market.
DANG !!!!! .....
I don't care if everybody else is doing it! I DID NOT enjoy watching my team get pounded by the Patriots ..... and in high-def, too!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
REALLY Getting Into the Game .....
In the time some people spent sitting in local sports bars/restaurants, holding onto tables in the hours before last week's NFL matchup between between Green Bay and Dallas, you could have driven to Irving, then enjoyed the game in person.
Here's an account of just such a journey, from Becky at Knitting Barista.
Here's an account of just such a journey, from Becky at Knitting Barista.
Faith of Whose Fathers? .....
Matters of faith, religion and religiosity are common enough around the blogosphere neighborhood that is West Texas ..... lately, one of the more interesting posts is this one, posted by George at Sleepless in Midland.
George cites this post by Jonah Goldberg at National Review Online, about presidential candidate Mitt Romey and Mormonism. Both posts are especially timely ..... the Associated Press reports, "On Thursday, [Romney] will draw national attention to his religion, a subject of curiosity for many people, with a speech at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas" ..... (CLICK HERE for the rest of Glen Johnson's analysis on AP)
Some of us are old enough to remember when faith was a political issue, back in the early 60s, as some Protestant voters in the United States struggled with the idea of a Catholic as President ..... heck, in North Carolina, at that time, we still had a bunch of mooks parading down the street in white sheets, protesting - among other things - 'the Papists.'
The national debate may hit a little closer to home than we think ..... a particularly interesting point George makes at the end of his post ..... "it raises a question about the recent election in Midland, Texas. Did some conservative Christians vote against one of the candidates because of Mormonism? We can speculate, but we'll never know for sure whether or how much that influenced the outcome."
It should make for good speculation, and discussion .... I recommend you join-in.
George cites this post by Jonah Goldberg at National Review Online, about presidential candidate Mitt Romey and Mormonism. Both posts are especially timely ..... the Associated Press reports, "On Thursday, [Romney] will draw national attention to his religion, a subject of curiosity for many people, with a speech at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas" ..... (CLICK HERE for the rest of Glen Johnson's analysis on AP)
Some of us are old enough to remember when faith was a political issue, back in the early 60s, as some Protestant voters in the United States struggled with the idea of a Catholic as President ..... heck, in North Carolina, at that time, we still had a bunch of mooks parading down the street in white sheets, protesting - among other things - 'the Papists.'
The national debate may hit a little closer to home than we think ..... a particularly interesting point George makes at the end of his post ..... "it raises a question about the recent election in Midland, Texas. Did some conservative Christians vote against one of the candidates because of Mormonism? We can speculate, but we'll never know for sure whether or how much that influenced the outcome."
It should make for good speculation, and discussion .... I recommend you join-in.
Monday, December 03, 2007
XM Moment: Still Popping .....
Last night's playlist on XM Radio's "70s on 7" included an early "synthpop" chart-topper by Gershon Kingsley that, for some, was an introduction to just what one might do with a Moog synthesizer. Most are familiar with this recording of "Popcorn" by Hot Butter, courtesy of the WFMU Blog, which offers no less than 79 versions of "Popcorn" ..... according to this interview with Kingsley, there may be as many as 500 cover versions of his song out there.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
A Rendezvous Draws Near .....

Blogroll Addition .....
Still another addition to my blogroll, my 'Blogs of Note,' today ..... this one, under the (around Texas) heading, is West Texas Missioner, a weblog devoted to a Midland church's upcoming mission effort in Thailand.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Follow-Up .....

My contribution to this last issue was about the tradition of gifting during the holiday season, using Christmas/Epiphany as my starting point, and looking at examples of how West Texans follow in the footsteps of the original Magi. The last of the three examples I documented was Christmas For Our Troops, which reaches out to the far side of the world with gifts for the holiday season, delivered to men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces ..... perhaps in the same lands as those crossed by the Magi more than 2,000 years ago.
Midlander Scott Davis is Chairman of the effort, and he told me how it began just four years ago, with five boxes. Where has it gone from there? The answer comes from another member of Christmas For Our Troops, who is also a blogger ..... Wallace of Streams, who offers this post about this years effort, complete with photos. On many different levels, it makes for a good read.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Knievel's Last Jump .....

In July of 1971, my mom drove a bunch of us up to Pocono Downs, a harness racing track outside of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. That night, we watched Knievel successfully jump over thirteen beer (Stegmaier, maybe?) trucks. My buddies and I yelled ourselves hoarse in the stands, then beat it back to his trailer in time to cheer, and pat him on the back as he turned his bike over to his crew and headed inside.
We saw the movie about him, and thought it was good - though most critics disagreed with us. Some of the more adventurous among us tried aerials of our own, tackling home-made ramps with our Stingray bicycles. Sure, his life and career had their ups and downs, both on and off the track ..... but we thought he was pretty neat ..... some of us still do.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Disclosure, Disclosure, Disclosure .....
Last night, Chris at TVNewser posted this about what he called "Another Disclosure Debacle for CNN" ..... when a member of the CNN/YouTube debate audience (General Keith Kerr, US Army, retired) asked Republican candidates about the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
It seems Kerr is connected with the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ..... "Apparently there was a press release from some six months ago," CNN moderator Anderson Cooper is quoted in the TVNewser post. "Hillary Clinton office saying that [Kerr] had been named to some steering committee. We don't know if he's still on it. We're trying to find out that information. Certainly had we had that information we would have acknowledged that in using his question, if we had used it at all."
The story has since been picked up by several news organizations, including the New York Post, FOX News and the Los Angeles Times.
All of this comes a little over a month after the fake news conference held by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which, the AP reports, "was not the first time a Homeland Security public affairs official has acted like a reporter by asking questions during a briefing."
The burden, ultimately, falls on journalists, who must research their stories, their subjects and their sources even more carefully (especially in situations such as this debate, where there was plenty of lead time between receipt of the general's question, and its use in last night's program), and fully disclose what their research has revealed.
Of course, we could ask government officials and politcal candidates to deal more honestly and openly with the press and the public ..... (dope slap) ..... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, there .....
UPDATE: TVNewser offers this sampling of reactions to the story. While all take CNN to task, some are strong, while others are modest. Perhaps the zaniest is this one from blogger Michelle Malkin.
It seems Kerr is connected with the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ..... "Apparently there was a press release from some six months ago," CNN moderator Anderson Cooper is quoted in the TVNewser post. "Hillary Clinton office saying that [Kerr] had been named to some steering committee. We don't know if he's still on it. We're trying to find out that information. Certainly had we had that information we would have acknowledged that in using his question, if we had used it at all."
The story has since been picked up by several news organizations, including the New York Post, FOX News and the Los Angeles Times.
All of this comes a little over a month after the fake news conference held by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which, the AP reports, "was not the first time a Homeland Security public affairs official has acted like a reporter by asking questions during a briefing."
The burden, ultimately, falls on journalists, who must research their stories, their subjects and their sources even more carefully (especially in situations such as this debate, where there was plenty of lead time between receipt of the general's question, and its use in last night's program), and fully disclose what their research has revealed.
Of course, we could ask government officials and politcal candidates to deal more honestly and openly with the press and the public ..... (dope slap) ..... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, there .....
UPDATE: TVNewser offers this sampling of reactions to the story. While all take CNN to task, some are strong, while others are modest. Perhaps the zaniest is this one from blogger Michelle Malkin.
Location, Location, Location .....
Months after I left a full-time job in the business, I still find myself channel-surfing during television news broadcasts, comparing and contrasting what different stations do with different stories ..... I honestly don't know if I'll ever truly, fully shake the habit ..... anyway, it might sometimes provide material for a post on my weblog.
Last week, I was bopping back-and-forth between two stations, and noticing a difference in how stories were covered, and where they were placed. One station led with new developments in the story of a student who died in an altercation at Midland-Lee High School, full package treatment that included audio/video from the boy's father, and a sit-down with a panel of educators about items of special note in this particular case. This was followed by the announcement that a suspect in an Odessa bank robber had been arrested, and included video of that suspect in custody. While all this was airing, another station had a brief announcement about a sex offender, then a full package about a service organization engaged in special efforts for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Don't get me wrong - the Thanksgiving meals package was a great report, well-written, well-shot and well-edited. And it also reported news that genuinely needed to be shared with the community. I thank that station (one where I used to work, as a matter of fact) for presenting the story ..... but I do question its placement at the head of the broadcast. Sitting, as I now am, on-the-outside-looking-in, I have to ask if that story was upper-most in people's minds.
I found myself asking similar questions this week, when one station reported live from Fort Stockton, digging out from under the weekend snowfall, as stranded travelers got back on the road, and crews got to work on damaged trees. While all this was airing, another station ran a full package that localized the 'Cyber Monday' shopping phenomenon ..... again, a good report, and one that genuinely needed to be shared with the community ..... but, again, I question its placement at the head of the broadcast.
And let's not single-out a particular outlet, or a particular medium. Eric asks similar questions with this post at Fire Ant Gazette, about story placement in a local newspaper ..... though his inquiry does follow different lines, and also offers some possible answers.
Last week, I was bopping back-and-forth between two stations, and noticing a difference in how stories were covered, and where they were placed. One station led with new developments in the story of a student who died in an altercation at Midland-Lee High School, full package treatment that included audio/video from the boy's father, and a sit-down with a panel of educators about items of special note in this particular case. This was followed by the announcement that a suspect in an Odessa bank robber had been arrested, and included video of that suspect in custody. While all this was airing, another station had a brief announcement about a sex offender, then a full package about a service organization engaged in special efforts for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Don't get me wrong - the Thanksgiving meals package was a great report, well-written, well-shot and well-edited. And it also reported news that genuinely needed to be shared with the community. I thank that station (one where I used to work, as a matter of fact) for presenting the story ..... but I do question its placement at the head of the broadcast. Sitting, as I now am, on-the-outside-looking-in, I have to ask if that story was upper-most in people's minds.
I found myself asking similar questions this week, when one station reported live from Fort Stockton, digging out from under the weekend snowfall, as stranded travelers got back on the road, and crews got to work on damaged trees. While all this was airing, another station ran a full package that localized the 'Cyber Monday' shopping phenomenon ..... again, a good report, and one that genuinely needed to be shared with the community ..... but, again, I question its placement at the head of the broadcast.
And let's not single-out a particular outlet, or a particular medium. Eric asks similar questions with this post at Fire Ant Gazette, about story placement in a local newspaper ..... though his inquiry does follow different lines, and also offers some possible answers.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Happy Birthday .....

Former President's Legacy a Work-In-Progress .....
I'm in the midst of prepping for an assignment, which includes researching developments in the ongoing campaign against debilitating, even deadly diseases that plague the Third World. That research brought me to this article by Robert M. Poole, in the June, 2007 issue of Smithsonian Magazine.
"His once-sandy hair had gone all white; his shoulders were a bit more stooped; his freckled face was lined with new creases. But Jimmy Carter's 82 years had diminished neither his trademark smile, which could still disarm skeptics at 20 paces, nor his enthusiasm for the long chance, which had propelled this obscure peanut farmer to national prominence in the first place," Poole writes. "That quixotic spirit took him this past February to an impoverished corner of Ethiopia, where he would announce his most audacious crusade yet: to eliminate malaria, an elusive and ever-changing killer, from this ancient African nation of 75-million people."
I would submit this article for the consideration by those who think a President's legacy is determined solely by what is said and done (and perceived to be said and done) while in office. When Carter's life has come to an end, decades after his political career ended, how will that life be remembered? His road to the White House, and his service there once he arrived, will - of course! - provide many factors that contribute to the image of him that we hold ..... but so will his service to an even larger constituency, since 1975, as an advocate for health and housing, for populist government, for world peace and for truly bilateral efforts to achieve that peace.
"His once-sandy hair had gone all white; his shoulders were a bit more stooped; his freckled face was lined with new creases. But Jimmy Carter's 82 years had diminished neither his trademark smile, which could still disarm skeptics at 20 paces, nor his enthusiasm for the long chance, which had propelled this obscure peanut farmer to national prominence in the first place," Poole writes. "That quixotic spirit took him this past February to an impoverished corner of Ethiopia, where he would announce his most audacious crusade yet: to eliminate malaria, an elusive and ever-changing killer, from this ancient African nation of 75-million people."
I would submit this article for the consideration by those who think a President's legacy is determined solely by what is said and done (and perceived to be said and done) while in office. When Carter's life has come to an end, decades after his political career ended, how will that life be remembered? His road to the White House, and his service there once he arrived, will - of course! - provide many factors that contribute to the image of him that we hold ..... but so will his service to an even larger constituency, since 1975, as an advocate for health and housing, for populist government, for world peace and for truly bilateral efforts to achieve that peace.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Perhaps the Best Commentary .....
..... on the Pittsburgh Steelers' 3-0 defeat of the hapless Miami Dolphins, Monday night at Heinz Field, has absolutely nothing to do with plays called, yardage gained and points scored .....
"There is no excuse — none — for the conditions the Pittsburgh Steelers provided for their game Monday Night against the Miami Dolphins," writes Mike Celizic, in this opinion piece on msnbc.com . "It was a travesty of football and an insult to the NFL, the players, the fans, and anyone who turned on a television in the hopes of enjoying Monday Night Football."
For me, the pandering prattle from the ESPN crew didn't help the matter, a point that also raised Celizek's ire ... "The announcers kept talking about old-school football and summoning the names of the Chicago Staleys and Canton Bulldogs from the earliest days of the league, but that was an insult to those teams and those times. I've seen old-school football in old Cleveland Stadium in the days before modern drainage and turf science. Those games were played in mud. This one was played in a bog."
My beloved Steelers are marking their 75th anniversary this season. But as they pay tribute to perhaps the most storied past in American football history, they may want to consider taking their playing surface into a brave new world ..... goodbye grass, hello FieldTurf ?
"There is no excuse — none — for the conditions the Pittsburgh Steelers provided for their game Monday Night against the Miami Dolphins," writes Mike Celizic, in this opinion piece on msnbc.com . "It was a travesty of football and an insult to the NFL, the players, the fans, and anyone who turned on a television in the hopes of enjoying Monday Night Football."
For me, the pandering prattle from the ESPN crew didn't help the matter, a point that also raised Celizek's ire ... "The announcers kept talking about old-school football and summoning the names of the Chicago Staleys and Canton Bulldogs from the earliest days of the league, but that was an insult to those teams and those times. I've seen old-school football in old Cleveland Stadium in the days before modern drainage and turf science. Those games were played in mud. This one was played in a bog."
My beloved Steelers are marking their 75th anniversary this season. But as they pay tribute to perhaps the most storied past in American football history, they may want to consider taking their playing surface into a brave new world ..... goodbye grass, hello FieldTurf ?
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Blogger's Sabbatical .....
Frank at Books, Inq. has alerted me to this post by Michael at Grumpy Old Bookman about his decision to "stop blogging altogether ... at least for a while. Call it a sabbatical. I hope -- and even intend -- to be back one day. But it will probably be a year." The post is also a wonderful little essay into why some start blogging, and why some stop.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
A Passing Note .....
Doctor Who's first producer, and the BBC's first female TV producer, Verity Lambert, has died at age 71. Here is more on this story from BBC, and her obituary from the London Times. It might be hard for some to relate to Lambert's impact on pop culture ..... Gene Roddenberry is one example from this side of the pond, that comes to mind. American television audiences might also be familiar with Lambert's work on Rumpole of the Bailey on the PBS series Mystery.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Age Check .....
Any of you old enough to remember Tommy Emmanuel, and "Classical Gas" - before it was a golden oldie? ..... Here's a reminder from baddd60 at YouTube.
UPDATE: A clarification from Jimmy at Sticky Doorknobs. It was Mason Williams who composed the song, and it was his recording of the song (arranged for guitar and symphony orchestra) that you hear on the 'golden oldies' radio. He is absolutely right, and my original post is badly written. By the way, Emmanuel would also perform the song with an orchestra, but not until the 90s.
UPDATE: A clarification from Jimmy at Sticky Doorknobs. It was Mason Williams who composed the song, and it was his recording of the song (arranged for guitar and symphony orchestra) that you hear on the 'golden oldies' radio. He is absolutely right, and my original post is badly written. By the way, Emmanuel would also perform the song with an orchestra, but not until the 90s.
I'm Late Getting to This .....
..... but it remains a very good point to start a discussion of blogging, and attempts by established media to incorporate blogs into their content ..... to be more specific, bringing blogs within guidelines already in place for the established media - and how that is NOT necessarily a good thing.
This post on Michael Silence's blog, No Silence Here, begins, "This hyper-management of blogs is symbolic of doing business in D.C., like trying to get a new passport. Leave it to the big boys to come along and ruin a good thing. They've taken it from blogging to blogged down."
The post focuses on our nation's capital (particularly the Washington Post), but I suspect these issues are being debated in most parts of the country, in media markets big and small.
His post also includes an informal primer on blogging ..... and while some of you might consider many of his points to be crashing glimpses of the obvious, they are important points nonethless, and worth sharing as a means of encouraging this growing, developing medium.
I would really, really, REALLY like to know what you think about Michael's post!
This post on Michael Silence's blog, No Silence Here, begins, "This hyper-management of blogs is symbolic of doing business in D.C., like trying to get a new passport. Leave it to the big boys to come along and ruin a good thing. They've taken it from blogging to blogged down."
The post focuses on our nation's capital (particularly the Washington Post), but I suspect these issues are being debated in most parts of the country, in media markets big and small.
His post also includes an informal primer on blogging ..... and while some of you might consider many of his points to be crashing glimpses of the obvious, they are important points nonethless, and worth sharing as a means of encouraging this growing, developing medium.
I would really, really, REALLY like to know what you think about Michael's post!
Friday, November 23, 2007
I Like a Bargain As Much As the Next Guy .....
..... but there is absolutely no way I'm going out at oh-dark-thirty in the morning to take part in that annual American orgy of consumption we now call Black Friday. I don't care what kind of 'door busters' retailers are offering ..... and I don't care if I'm missing a chance to get my face on the news - sharing my special philosophy on consumerism - as I line up in a dark, freezing parking lot for an 'early bird special.'
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Blogroll Additions .....
Two additions to my blogroll, my 'Blogs of Note,' today ..... the first, under the (around Texas) heading, is It's All In The Details, a web business blog, and one of two blogs hosted by Odessa's Justin Pease.
The other addition appears under the (dang Yankees from Back East) heading. It's Just Pictures, a photo blog hosted by good friend, great photographer and outstanding brother-in-law Clark Van Orden of Luzerne, Pennsylvania, just a couple hours' north of fellow 'dYfBE' bloggers Jim and Frank. Here is one of Clark's images ...
The other addition appears under the (dang Yankees from Back East) heading. It's Just Pictures, a photo blog hosted by good friend, great photographer and outstanding brother-in-law Clark Van Orden of Luzerne, Pennsylvania, just a couple hours' north of fellow 'dYfBE' bloggers Jim and Frank. Here is one of Clark's images ...

"By the Goodness of God .....

The precedent for an official, national day of Thanksgiving was set in 1863 - during one of the darkest periods of American history - by President Abraham Lincoln, who proclaimed, "to these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God." Read his entire proclamation here.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Good Question .....
Monday, November 19, 2007
I (no longer) Have the POWERRRRR! .....
We ended our stint as a Nielsen Media Research (television ratings) family Thursday night, and sent our diaries back in Friday morning ..... now you know who to blame, next season, when the new television programming lineups are announced, and there seems to be an AWFUL LOT of soccer and Doctor Who.
Back To the Bookshelf For Me .....

Boy, Did I Miss All the Fun !!! .....
Took off for the weekend, a family trip to the North Dallas area for Elder Son's soccer tournament ..... a trip through the actual world that did not include touching-base with the virtual world.
Boy, did I miss all the fun!
Apparently, it all began with this article in the Midland Reporter-Telegram, in which Colin Guy reports, "Consultants hired by the Midland Development Corp. recommended the organization develop a blog to keep the public informed of its efforts and to serve as a counterbalance to local blogs that have been critical of the organization."
I suspect MDC had Jessica's Well, in particular, in mind when they made their proposal. For their part, the Wellians have responded with this post, this post, this post and this post ..... so far.
But, also joining the fray is Eric at Fire Ant Gazette, with this post ... "the Midland Development Corporation is in a no-win situation at this point. It cannot – I repeat: cannot – compete in a blogging war, should it come to that. It has neither the resources nor the expertise nor the sheer willpower. But, more importantly, it doesn't have the weight of facts."
George at Sleepless in Midland offers this post ... "Unless some MDC member already had a hankering to do it then they would probably have to hire someone to write it. So here's a suggestion: Outsource: Instead of starting a blog from scratch, the cash rich MDC could simply pay a bounty to the other local bloggers." George also offers a suggested pay scale.
From Jimmy at Sticky Doorknobs comes this post ... "The MDC is being given a golden opportunity to take advantage of this new method of communicating and to open a dialogue with Midlanders. To take advantage of that opportunity would at best be a PR coup for the MDC; brushing off such a recommendation -- one that no doubt came at a high consulting fee -- would be a mistake that would go nowhere in helping MDC rise from the public ashes."
A slightly different focus from Justin at It's All In the Details, with this post, "This isn't about the MDC or West Texas. This is about your business in the Internet Age. The Internet is about communication. Unlike costly mediums of yesteryear such as Television and Radio, anyone with a computer can freely publish as much as they wish on the Internet."
Boy, did I miss all the fun!
Apparently, it all began with this article in the Midland Reporter-Telegram, in which Colin Guy reports, "Consultants hired by the Midland Development Corp. recommended the organization develop a blog to keep the public informed of its efforts and to serve as a counterbalance to local blogs that have been critical of the organization."
I suspect MDC had Jessica's Well, in particular, in mind when they made their proposal. For their part, the Wellians have responded with this post, this post, this post and this post ..... so far.
But, also joining the fray is Eric at Fire Ant Gazette, with this post ... "the Midland Development Corporation is in a no-win situation at this point. It cannot – I repeat: cannot – compete in a blogging war, should it come to that. It has neither the resources nor the expertise nor the sheer willpower. But, more importantly, it doesn't have the weight of facts."
George at Sleepless in Midland offers this post ... "Unless some MDC member already had a hankering to do it then they would probably have to hire someone to write it. So here's a suggestion: Outsource: Instead of starting a blog from scratch, the cash rich MDC could simply pay a bounty to the other local bloggers." George also offers a suggested pay scale.
From Jimmy at Sticky Doorknobs comes this post ... "The MDC is being given a golden opportunity to take advantage of this new method of communicating and to open a dialogue with Midlanders. To take advantage of that opportunity would at best be a PR coup for the MDC; brushing off such a recommendation -- one that no doubt came at a high consulting fee -- would be a mistake that would go nowhere in helping MDC rise from the public ashes."
A slightly different focus from Justin at It's All In the Details, with this post, "This isn't about the MDC or West Texas. This is about your business in the Internet Age. The Internet is about communication. Unlike costly mediums of yesteryear such as Television and Radio, anyone with a computer can freely publish as much as they wish on the Internet."
Friday, November 16, 2007
Deferring to an Expert .....
"From public forums in Iowa to the living rooms of New Hampshire and the military towns in South Carolina," says this report from the New York Times' Marka Santora, "Mr. McCain’s message is simple: what America does to its enemies defines America itself."
“One of the things that kept us going when I was in prison in North Vietnam was that we knew that if the situation were reversed, that we would not be doing to our captors what they were doing to us,” McCain is quoted in that story.
But, Santora goes on to report, McCain's stance opposing torture (or, as some prefer to call it, "aggressive interrogation techniques"), may be generating sympathy from those he meets in his campaign to become the Republican candidate for President ..... but not necessarily support.
I've said this before concerning the debate going on in Washington, and across the country, over the Bush administration's efforts to re-define torture. I can't help but think that there are some who bring a unique perspective to the debate, a hard-taught lesson that we can acknowledge ... but, probably, never truly and fully appreciate.
I'm probably the only blogger - and one of the few, people, period - in the Tall City who thinks all of the years our administration has spent in the corporate boardrooms, ivory towers and executive suites of America ... don't give them as much appreciation for torture as they might have gotten from a single day in the Hanoi Hilton.
In this debate, U.S. Senator John McCain is fighting to preserve what he calls "the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva Conventions," and he speaks from a horrible experience of aggressive interrogation techniques at the hands of captors who flouted those conventions. I don't care what George, and Dick and Condi say.
“One of the things that kept us going when I was in prison in North Vietnam was that we knew that if the situation were reversed, that we would not be doing to our captors what they were doing to us,” McCain is quoted in that story.
But, Santora goes on to report, McCain's stance opposing torture (or, as some prefer to call it, "aggressive interrogation techniques"), may be generating sympathy from those he meets in his campaign to become the Republican candidate for President ..... but not necessarily support.
I've said this before concerning the debate going on in Washington, and across the country, over the Bush administration's efforts to re-define torture. I can't help but think that there are some who bring a unique perspective to the debate, a hard-taught lesson that we can acknowledge ... but, probably, never truly and fully appreciate.
I'm probably the only blogger - and one of the few, people, period - in the Tall City who thinks all of the years our administration has spent in the corporate boardrooms, ivory towers and executive suites of America ... don't give them as much appreciation for torture as they might have gotten from a single day in the Hanoi Hilton.
In this debate, U.S. Senator John McCain is fighting to preserve what he calls "the integrity and letter and spirit of the Geneva Conventions," and he speaks from a horrible experience of aggressive interrogation techniques at the hands of captors who flouted those conventions. I don't care what George, and Dick and Condi say.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
YES !!! .....

On a related note ..... an American remake of this show is in the works and Life on Mars' John Simm could be next Doctor Who .....
Nielsen and Me: Day 5 .....
We had our fifth day as a Nielsen Media Research (television ratings) family on Monday. I admit, it's not a healthy sign, but I DO structure a part of my day around television viewing ..... morning work is wrapped-up, a lunch is heated-up, and I'm sitting-down at 11:30 so I can watch Arrested Development on one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 730) that Suddenlink offers. For whatever reason, I missed this show during its first run ..... but I'm making up for it, now, and I'm totally addicted.
Then there's local news ..... to which I am NOT totally addicted, but I am interested, and I do need to keep in touch with what's going on. You've probably noticed some of the promos running the last couple weeks, special reports airing during the month of November. I haven't been paying much attention to those, but I have been doing some surfing, looking at the different products, and seeing what they offer. Really, I haven't been seeing a LOT of differences ..... many of the same stories are covered, though their placement in the rundown might be a little different. One difference I have noticed is that the CBS affiliate (KOSA - 7) has been looking better lately. I always had a problem with how dim - almost dark - their broadcast looked sometimes ..... but that HAS improved ..... has someone been working on studio lighting and camera angles lately? In that respect, they're catching-up with the NBC affiliate (KWES - 9) which has long had a better-looking signal.
Then there's local news ..... to which I am NOT totally addicted, but I am interested, and I do need to keep in touch with what's going on. You've probably noticed some of the promos running the last couple weeks, special reports airing during the month of November. I haven't been paying much attention to those, but I have been doing some surfing, looking at the different products, and seeing what they offer. Really, I haven't been seeing a LOT of differences ..... many of the same stories are covered, though their placement in the rundown might be a little different. One difference I have noticed is that the CBS affiliate (KOSA - 7) has been looking better lately. I always had a problem with how dim - almost dark - their broadcast looked sometimes ..... but that HAS improved ..... has someone been working on studio lighting and camera angles lately? In that respect, they're catching-up with the NBC affiliate (KWES - 9) which has long had a better-looking signal.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Da Vinci Coda? .....
Could there really be a da Vinci Code? ..... I'm not talking about the silliness spawned by Dan Brown's mystery novel, but the recent claims of Giovanni Maria Pala to have discovered nothing less than a sacred hymn and text, along with mystic symbols in da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper. His book, "La Musica Celata" ("The Hidden Music"), is coming out shortly.
Here's the complete story from Dicovery News ..... be sure to watch the video, too, at the bottom of the page. Here's another write-up from the L.A. Times, which includes an audio clip of the suggested music.

XM Moment: In Joy Still Felt .....

This was as good as it got for Apollo 100, a short-lived British instrumental, studio-based group. "Joy," released in 1972, was their one hit.
Nielsen and Me: Day 4 .....
We had our fourth day as a Nielsen Media Research (television ratings) family on Sunday ..... a different kind of viewing day since the television is off for so much of it. However .....
Fans of American football will be glad to know that they will have some of that to enjoy on television next fall, thanks to me. We spent a part of our Sunday afternoon watching the Pittsburgh Steelers come from behind to defeat the Cleveland Browns on CBS (KOSAHD - 703).
That evening, My Favorite Landman and I enjoyed Meatloaf in a "Three Bats Live" concert performance on one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 730) that Suddenlink offers. The program was recorded earlier this year, at the John Labatt Centre in Ontario, Canada, as part of HDNet's concert series ..... and I'm glad they got it when they did! Just last month, promoters had to cancel the rest of the "Three Bats Live" tour, when doctors found a cyst on the 60-year-old rocker's vocal chords. As for that night, it was a great performance by the Dallas, Texas native, and included a great selection of old hits and new material ..... including his trademark "Bat Out of Hell," which remains one of the great anthems of rock'n'roll love. I have to admit, though, that much as I enjoyed the concert, I found myself missing Todd Rundgren, Max Weinberg, Jim Steinman and Ellen Foley.
Fans of American football will be glad to know that they will have some of that to enjoy on television next fall, thanks to me. We spent a part of our Sunday afternoon watching the Pittsburgh Steelers come from behind to defeat the Cleveland Browns on CBS (KOSAHD - 703).
That evening, My Favorite Landman and I enjoyed Meatloaf in a "Three Bats Live" concert performance on one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 730) that Suddenlink offers. The program was recorded earlier this year, at the John Labatt Centre in Ontario, Canada, as part of HDNet's concert series ..... and I'm glad they got it when they did! Just last month, promoters had to cancel the rest of the "Three Bats Live" tour, when doctors found a cyst on the 60-year-old rocker's vocal chords. As for that night, it was a great performance by the Dallas, Texas native, and included a great selection of old hits and new material ..... including his trademark "Bat Out of Hell," which remains one of the great anthems of rock'n'roll love. I have to admit, though, that much as I enjoyed the concert, I found myself missing Todd Rundgren, Max Weinberg, Jim Steinman and Ellen Foley.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Speaking of Frank .....

I think I might add "Thomas Middleton: the Collected Works" to my Christmas wish list.
Jim and Frank Will Back Me Up on This .....

Of special significance to me - and to anyone who has walked the banks of the Susquehanna or the Monongahela - is this brief encounter with a man who embodies the spirit of the American frontier - not in Texas and the west, where it was eventually adopted; but in the east, where it was born .....
"I thought all the wilderness of American was in the West till the Ghost of the Susquehanna showed me different. No, there is a wilderness in the East; it's the same wilderness Ben Franklin plodded in the oxcart days when he was postmaster, the same as it was when George Washington was a wildbuck Indian-fighter, when Daniel Boone told stories by Pennsylvania lamps and promised to find the Gap, when Bradford built his road and men whooped her up in log cabins. There were not great Arizona spaces for the little man, just the bushy wilderness of eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, the backroads, the black-tar roads that curve among the mournful rivers like Susquehanna, Monongahela, old Potomac and Monocacy."
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Nielsen and Me: Day 3 .....
We had our third day as a Nielsen Media Research (television ratings) family on Saturday ..... not the usual kind of day, and not the usual kind of viewing. With the boys in charge of the remote, there was a lot of cartoons and sports during the day ..... with the only exception being my 'Samurai Saturday' morning fix on IFC ..... this week, it was "Zatoichi and the Fugitives" from the popular 'Blind Swordsman' series of Japanese films, with Shintaro Katsu, from the 60s and early 70s. The rest of the time, it was chores around the house, for me.
We wrapped up the night with a live broadcast of MLS Western Conference Finals. It was broadcast live on two networks - Fox Soccer Channel (FXSOCR - 328), and one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 731) that Suddenlink offers ..... we opted for the hi-def broadcast.
We wrapped up the night with a live broadcast of MLS Western Conference Finals. It was broadcast live on two networks - Fox Soccer Channel (FXSOCR - 328), and one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 731) that Suddenlink offers ..... we opted for the hi-def broadcast.
S.I. Theology .....
Today's sermon at First Prez-Midland was inspired by this column from Rick Reilley of Sports Illustrated. "The best college tradition," Reilly wrote, "is not dotting the i at Ohio State. It's not stealing the goat from Navy. Or waving the wheat at Kansas."
And it's nowhere to be found in Texas, either, as some Lone Star accolytes of the gridiron gospel would have us believe. It is, Reilly writes, "Picking Up Butch" at Middlebury College, in Vermont, where students say the question is not 'where Butch would be without them' ..... but 'where would they be without Butch?'
And it's nowhere to be found in Texas, either, as some Lone Star accolytes of the gridiron gospel would have us believe. It is, Reilly writes, "Picking Up Butch" at Middlebury College, in Vermont, where students say the question is not 'where Butch would be without them' ..... but 'where would they be without Butch?'
Call It What You Will .....

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved,
and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lt. Col. John Alexander McCrae, MD - Canadian Expeditionary Force
Here in the U.S., one doesn't see the poppies on people's lapels so much, as we used to when were children ..... One of the most ridiculous victories in America's 'war of drugs' was the declaration by 'drug czars' and their staffs that the poppy reminded people of addiction to drugs, rather than appreciation to those who gave the 'last full measure of their devotion' in service to their country. Such is not the case in Canada, England, and other countries that once formed the 'Commonwealth.' The paper poppies - and the fundraising for veterans' relief that they represent - have been prominent in photos and video the past couple weeks.
Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veterans Day ..... call it what you will ..... but find some way to mark this day. Here, in America, the focus of the day has been expanded to honor all men and women who, throughout history, have answered their country's call to serve. There have been many in our own family, but - mindful of the origins of this particular holiday - I will tell the boys of their great-grandfather Frederick, a sergeant with the 102nd Balloon Company, U.S. Air Service, American Expeditionary Force, and his service in France during the First World War.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Nielsen and Me: Day 2 .....
We had our second day as a Nielsen Media Research (television ratings) family on Friday ..... some of it was different, some of it was the same-old-same-old.
Mornings usually start with "Sunrise Earth" on Discovery HD Theater, one of the free hi-def channels (HDTHTR - 710) that Suddenlink offers, and one of the really good expressions of high-def television ..... nothing but video and nat-sound of the sun rising over some beautiful location - a dairy farm in Vermont, for example, or the Yosemite Valley in California, or Macchu Pichu in Peru. Another regular stop on weekday mornings is NewsWest 9 Sunrise for news headlines and weather updates by two good friends - and two very good news professionals - Hema Mullur and Darrell Ward.
Things were a little different during the day ..... and I am SOOOO glad I had a couple of work assignments done by then, because it freed me up to watch Doctor Who on SciFi Channel (SCIFI - 64) most of the day. It was selected episodes from the Tenth Doctor series (with David Tenant as The Doctor), and it had some great moments, like the return of Sarah Jane Smith and K-9, and the creation of Torchwood.
Some more fantasy fun, that evening, watching the classic Wizard of Oz on TNT's HD channel (TNTHD - 733) ..... if only they could show it without commercial interruptions ..... oh, well, there's always the DVD.
Mornings usually start with "Sunrise Earth" on Discovery HD Theater, one of the free hi-def channels (HDTHTR - 710) that Suddenlink offers, and one of the really good expressions of high-def television ..... nothing but video and nat-sound of the sun rising over some beautiful location - a dairy farm in Vermont, for example, or the Yosemite Valley in California, or Macchu Pichu in Peru. Another regular stop on weekday mornings is NewsWest 9 Sunrise for news headlines and weather updates by two good friends - and two very good news professionals - Hema Mullur and Darrell Ward.
Things were a little different during the day ..... and I am SOOOO glad I had a couple of work assignments done by then, because it freed me up to watch Doctor Who on SciFi Channel (SCIFI - 64) most of the day. It was selected episodes from the Tenth Doctor series (with David Tenant as The Doctor), and it had some great moments, like the return of Sarah Jane Smith and K-9, and the creation of Torchwood.
Some more fantasy fun, that evening, watching the classic Wizard of Oz on TNT's HD channel (TNTHD - 733) ..... if only they could show it without commercial interruptions ..... oh, well, there's always the DVD.
I Don't Think We're in Aransas Anymore .....

Did the natural thing, and e-mailed the natural historian, Burr Williams at Sibley Nature Center, about the sighting ..... Burr responded promptly - naturally - with the following .....
"This time of year we do get some wandering gulls every year... most are Ring-billed Gulls from the Texas Gulf Coast, but we have also seen Bonaparte's gulls from the west coast, Sabine's gulls (that nest on the Great Plains)... and we have records of a few more species over 50 years of observation. At most of the reservoirs in the region (Balmorhea, Red Bluff, Spence, and so on...) you can usually find gulls all winter... along with white pelicans, various species of geese, loons, grebes and other water birds you don't associate with 'dry' west Texas."
Turns out, what Younger Son and I spotted were Ring-Billed Gulls.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Nielsen and Me: Day 1 .....
We began our stint as a Nielsen Media Research (television ratings) family on Thursday. Kind of boring the first day ..... during the daytime, I actually spend more time listening to one of the Music Channels (the '900 tier' on Suddenlink cable) than I do actually watching television.
At night, though, it was different ..... plenty to choose from, and moving back-and-forth between channels. "My Name is Earl" and "The Office" (on KWES - 9) really are 'must-see TV' in our house. But except for those two half-hour blocks, we spent a chunk of the evening watching the MLS Eastern Conference Finals (on FXSOCR - 328).
Something we didn't get to watch - airing at the same time as those other programs I mentioned - was "Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within," a not-so-popular animated film inspired by the popular role-playing game. It was showing on one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 731) that Suddenlink offers, and I suspect it would have looked really good in wide-screen, hi-def sight and sound ..... they repeat those programs throughout the month, so I'll be sure to catch it later.
By the way ..... there was only one goal in that MLS game - but it was a DOOZEY!
At night, though, it was different ..... plenty to choose from, and moving back-and-forth between channels. "My Name is Earl" and "The Office" (on KWES - 9) really are 'must-see TV' in our house. But except for those two half-hour blocks, we spent a chunk of the evening watching the MLS Eastern Conference Finals (on FXSOCR - 328).
Something we didn't get to watch - airing at the same time as those other programs I mentioned - was "Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within," a not-so-popular animated film inspired by the popular role-playing game. It was showing on one of the free hi-def channels (HDNET - 731) that Suddenlink offers, and I suspect it would have looked really good in wide-screen, hi-def sight and sound ..... they repeat those programs throughout the month, so I'll be sure to catch it later.
By the way ..... there was only one goal in that MLS game - but it was a DOOZEY!
Prophets of Carle .....

Carle's illustrations are lightly-animated (losing none of their vibrant, colorful imagery), and combined with readings by Roger McGough and Juliet Stevenson, and wonderful original music by composer Julian Nott. It's a product that entertains, even enchants the child ..... without driving the parents out of the room the way a certain purple dinosaur might.
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