Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas .....

There was much to give thanks for last night, in the closing hours of Christmas Eve ..... I was thankful for a full moon, passing through the skies in clear, bright, colorful glory ..... I was thankful that merchants were enjoying a last-minute spurt of holiday shopping - and glad that my own gift-shopping was done, and I wasn't part of that spurt ..... I was thankful for the cheerfulness of the staff at the southside IHOP, as they served up a wonderful pre-Christmas-Eve-service meal for us ..... I was thankful for the sound of Greg Pysh singing "Divinium Mysterium" at the start of our late service at First Prez-Midland, and for the sound of all of us singing "Silent Night" as we passed the light from person-to-person, candle-to-candle ..... I was thankful for the awesome display of lights at the home at 1609 W. Neeley ..... I was thankful that the boys did go to bed on time, without any fuss ..... I was thankful for the bottle of Santa Fe Vineyards' Merlot, and the HD broadcast of "Christmas at Saint Olaf's" that helped My Favorite Landman and I get through the gift-wrapping after the boys had gone to bed .....

And I was thankful for the opportunity to go to sleep with the promise that, "for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

Alleluia ..... Amen .....

Happy Christmas, Everyone!

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