Hers was a long and remarkable life ... and not always an easy life. It was one that knew more than its share of difficulties, even dangers. Yet she came through it all in what I see as a genuine triumph of the spirit and the soul. For all the harshness and drepivation she had known through her youth, she was one of the kindest, most generous and giving people I have ever known. Her greatest gift to me was giving away her daughter's hand in marriage.
Earlier this week, our prayers that Mrs. Buress might find healing and wholeness were answered, and she passed on to where she "will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
Cheerio, Anne.
Jeff, judging by the excellent writeup in the Fort Stockton Pioneer, she led a fascinating life. From Scotland, to Santa Fe, to West Texas...what a journey!
Please accept our condolences; may your family experience God's grace and peace.
Eric, she did at that. And I will be forever grateful that God placed me in her path. Thank you for stopping in, and for your kinf words.
Rita, Jeff and boys,
I offer my sympathy for your loss of Rita's mom. I've not had to face losing a parent, and can't imagine what that must feel like, but knowing that she rests in the most glorious place you can imagine might bring some comfort to you.
Our prayers are with you. I can tell by your writing that she was a woman highly esteemed. Her qualities of which you write are evidences in her daughter, and what greater praise is there?
Bless you all during your time of loss, and now, celebration...for she is indeed now whole.
Julie, there has been great comfort in that knowledge, and in knowing that we shall all be together again, someday.
Janie, thank you for your blessings and your prayers. And you're right ... this IS a time to celebrate.
Prayers for you guys...
Jimmy, thank you for that, sir. It is just what we need at a time like this, and we are grateful.
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