She is now on furlough, at home in Texas ... and that included a visit to the Tall City this past weekend, where she was the guest speaker at a lunch hosted by Midland Bible Church. It was a great time, the house was packed and the presentation - supplemented by photos and music, and followed by Q&A - was terrific.
By the way, Natalie's mission to Uganda is a 'work in progress,' and she is already preparing for her return ..."I am a SUPPORT-RAISING missionary," she explains. "Therefore, I wanted to give the opportunity to those who feel led to give. The Lord deeply cares for orphans (as stated many times in the Word) and He blesses those who contribute to the mission of helping them - whether through going, praying, or sending. If you would like to financially support my second year in Uganda, please make checks out to Midland Bible Church, with Natalie Rolfe in the memo."Midland Bible Church2800 North A Street, Midland, TX 79705
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