That career included many peaks, many returns to stardom, including very late in his life. Me? ... I'll always prefer those early years, and that awesome young voice singing "All, or Nothing at All" ... or "I'll Never Smile Again." I loved him in lighthearted and lyrical films such as "On the Town" ... but he also showed his flair for drama in "From Here to Eternity" and "The Manchurian Candidate." It was a career that successfully spanned generations as well as media ... in August of this year, it was reported that Sinatra was the only artist to make the top-ten list of favorite songs of (then) presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain.
Here is his Wikipedia write-up and the official Frank Sinatra website. Also, here is an audio recording of "The Best is Yet to Come," courtesy of scooterride33 at YouTube.
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