Thursday, November 08, 2007

A Good Question .....

..... has been asked by Frank at Books, Inq., citing this post by David at Crime Fiction Dossier .....

"My 14 yr old niece has devoured all of her grandmother's Nancy Drew. She has been looking for similar types of books which must be father approved (no slashers, vampire, psycho-killer stuff, oh yeah he has issues with sexual content). Are there any mystery/thriller authors that can satisfy my brother-in-law as a well as entertain/challenge my niece?"

I recommended Lilian Jackson Braun, author of the of "The Cat Who..." series of mystery novels. They have been described (in a positive and supportive manner) as a light-hearted alternative to a genre devoted more and more to focus on sex, violence, and foul language. My Favorite Landman is a big fan of the series.

What would YOU recommend?


Les said...

Maybe not as enjoyable to girls as Nancy Drew, but I'd recommend The Hardy Boys mysteries. (I read a ton of 'em when I was a kid.)

Jeff said...

Les, same here. I read my uncle's copies of the Hardy Boys mysteries ..... now my sons have read those copies ..... kind of neat, really.