I'm a little disappointed, really, because I had been looking forward to POTC3 ever since the end of POTC2, a film I night have dismissed entirely, had it not been for the last few minutes, in the hut of Tia Dalma, where the survivors are challenged to reclaim Captain Jack Sparrow, even if it means going to the world's end ..... and who steps into the room to lead them on this impossible quest , but Captain Barbosa himself?

It's to Barbosa - not Elizabeth - that I would have given that speech, from the deck of his ship, urging the disparate Pirate Lords to hoist their colors, and sail their rag-tag fleet to death and glory against Beckett's armada ..... and I wouldn't have minded seeing some of that battle, as well (even if it meant trimming some of the plots-within-plots-within-plots-within-whatever, that took up so much time earlier in the film) as it raged around the one-on-one duel between the Pearl and the Dutchman.
With the discovery that a map could take our beloved scalawags to the Fountain of Youth, and the birth of a child to Elizabeth and Will, there is already some speculation about the possibility of a fourth installment coming to theaters someday .....
I hope not.
Ya know, much as I hate to admit it, you are sooooo right.
spookyrach, and I hate to be right ..... I was sooooo looking forward to #3 following the close of #2 :-(
I hate it that you're both right.
Jimmy, and in this case, we're right to hate .....
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