According to this report from hollywoodreporter.com, "ABC has some intriguing scheduling experiments planned for early next year." Online punditz are speculating that a lead-in from "Lost" (with its similar demographics) could boost LOM - which started the fall season strong, but has since slipped in the ratings - in a way that "Grey's Anatomy" and its demo's could not ... OH, YEAH!
But, this also means that, come January, LOM would be running opposite another favorite show of mine, Top Chef ... OH, NO!
I don't think it's necessarily a good sign that the network would move the show to a new time as often a schedule move puts a show closer to the exit.
Too many times I've gotten caught up in a tv show just in time to see it canceled. "Journeyman" was an excellent time travel show, but it got the ax around the time of the writer's strike. There was another good one about a guy who kept waking up on the same day, sort of like "Ground Hog Day," but it got the ax, too.
A current favorite of mine, "My Own Worst Enemy," probably won't be renewed, either.
But those are the breaks. It really must be tough on the people who are putting out a good product only to see it fail because not enough eyeballs watched.
But who knows? Maybe LOM has an audience big enough to keep it around.
"Day Break" was the name of that show. A guy kept reliving the same day over and over, but if he got injured during the day, that was the only part that was still with him when he woke up again.
It was on ABC and got canceled after six episodes, according to Wikipedia.
George, I have never heard of "Daybreak" ... If I can, I'll have to check it out.
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