Tuesday, November 04, 2008

"And a little child shall lead them ....."

I know, I know ... they're probably just another tool of that left-leaning, Obama-loving mainstream media. But they also have a great record for political prognostication.

Kids don't have a vote, but they do have opinions on who should be America's next president, which has made the
Weekly Reader Presidential Election Poll such a popular feature for the past 52 years ... and a pretty good indicator of how those kids' parents will vote in the days ahead.

According to
this report in MarketWatch, "for the past 52 years, the results of the Weekly Reader poll have been consistently on target, with the student vote correctly predicting the next president in 12 out of 13 elections. (The only time the kids were wrong was 1992, when they chose George H.W. Bush over Bill Clinton.)"

So what do they say this year?

"The nation's students resoundingly say that Barack Obama will be the country's next leader," MarketWatch reported. "In the 14th Weekly Reader election survey, with more than 125,000 votes cast from kindergarten through 12th grade, the result was Obama 54.7% and John McCain 42.9% (with 'other' candidates receiving 2.5% of the student vote)."

And it's looking like the kids are about to make it 13-out-of14. Way to go, kids ... and your teachers, too!

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