Friday, September 07, 2007

The Times, They Are a'Changing .....

"It doesn’t take much to get thrown off an airplane these days, as Kyla Ebbert found out when a Southwest Airlines employee told her she was too bare for the air. Two months later, she’s still trying to figure out what was wrong with her outfit." Here's the complete report from the Today Show.

Being (as of today) the 'Big Five-Oh,' I can still remember the days when Southwest Airlines promoted their own, official, scantily-clad women in
television ads (this one, courtesy of aapino on YouTube) and on billboards ("That's Love, Southwest Style," said one in Albukookoo, featuring a woman with a little bit of pants, and lots of leg). The photo comes from this post at the FashionFotos blog.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a flashback. Stewardess' uniforms certainly have changed.

As for Ebbert's ejection, that's just plain weird.

P.S. Happy birthday!

Jeff said...

George, thank you, and thanks for stopping in.