The folks at 'Prairie Home Companion' - where I had first heard the quote, read by Garrison Keilor - sent me the following ..... "The reading was from 'The Edward Hoagland Reader,' edited and with an Introduction by Geoffrey Wolff. It is published by Vintage Books, a Division of Random House, New York. The section read on the APHC show on February 5th was found in 'Americana. ETC' and found on pages 77-78."
Hoagland may be one of the better writers you've never heard of ..... this interview with Hoagland, by Alden Mudge, offers some insight into why that may be the case .....
Cool beans! A new landscape of reading to discover and explore.
I have been very sad as of late remembering that my favorite nature writer, Ellen Meloy, is no longer with us, no longer sharing her eloquent, soul-nourishing words.
Now, perhaps I can fill that void!
Thanks, Laddie!
You're welcome, Miss Pattie, and thank YOU for stopping in.
One of the problems, I believe, with discovering nature writers - and Hoagland is certainly no newcomer! - is that we've allowed the pundits to politicize the field, applying inappropriate labels to anyone who writes of the beauty of nature in its natural state, limiting our discussion and discovery of these works .....
The fact that a writer is conservative or liberal, activist or passive, Republican or Democrat, does not take away from nature's beauty ... or the beauty of the writer's words describing nature .....
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