"As a small tribute to my friend who died of breast cancer, I'm offering a free copy of Dina's wonderful book to the first three readers who email me with name and address," Lee wrote on May 10. "There is a stipulation, however: you have to agree to blog about the book (with link and cover image) and spread the good word.I feel perfectly justified in attaching this condition, because proceeds from the book will go to Mount Vernon Cancer Hospital's cancer trials research."
Joining me in the virtual world will be Minx of The Inner Minx and RJ of Real Reader Reviews-The 3 R's .....
But what about the actual world? Would any of my fellow West Texas bloggers like to borrow my copy when I'm done, read the book, and blog about it? Please let me know.
Hi Jeff, I'm so pleased it's arrived safely.
And I like your wordplay on Lowebrow (though I prefer wine).
Welcome, Lee. WHOOPS! That was a typo on my part. I must have had Germany on my mind, and was typing auf deutsch
I will fix that right away :-)
I'm a merlot man, myself ..... but I've always enjoyed a little Gewürztraminer, too
I'm game! I'd love to read it!
Janie. great! You're first on the list, after I finish it.
What a great idea, Jeff, I shall follow in your footsteps.
Minx, I'm thrilled to have you visit my humble virtual abode, and to join you in getting the word out.
I have posted about the book on my blog and have offered up the copy with the proviso of blogging it and passing it on. I am sending our link(s) on to Frank Wilson at Books Inq in the hopes that word spreads faster than cancer.
Linked to you as well - hope you don't mind.
Not at all .... I'm honored. Frank and I have linked to one another before.
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