Wednesday, June 22, 2005

An Evolving Discussion of Evolution ...

I find myself wondering ... is there a way to discuss a divisive issue in a manner that brings us closer rather than drives us further apart?

In a previous post on this blog (regarding Dr. Richard Leakey's visit to the Tall City, and the polite reception his views on evolution received) I suggested that maybe, just maybe, we - the people, in general - erred by leaving the debate over such issues as evolution to the extremists on both sides.

What do we get in such an extremist debate? Viewpoints that border on fanaticism, belief systems that border on dogma, pat presentations of trite and well-worn phrases delivered more in the tone of a mindless mantra rather than a rational discussion, an iron-bound refusal to grant an inch or a breath to the other side, and a commitment to the confrontation that borders on bloodlust - where the only acceptable outcome to a debate is the total destruction of, not just the viewpoint, but the holder of that viewpoint ... ON BOTH SIDES ...

If you feel strongly about the scientific principals of evolutionary theory, and how they apply to the incredible diversity and form of life on this planet, please read the following at, and tell me what you think ...

This particular example deals with evolution, but there are other topics of interest out there. Is it possible to have a reasonable discussion of opposing views over a divisive topic such as this and, if so, can we not also discuss other, similarly-divisive topics in a similarly-reasonable manner?

If the answer to the above is "Yes," then there might be some hope for us all.

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