Sunday, February 19, 2017

Well done, good and faithful servants!

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following text is from a letter by Pastor Cheryl Homsher, Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas, to the church family at Grace. The Fellowship Christian Church of Midland (founded by refugees from Myanmar/Burma) had been a part of Grace, using its facilities for worship, fellowship and more ... until this past weekend. It was cause for a gala celebration. The photographs in this post were taken by Homsher and Judy Brown.

This past Sunday, we gathered to seek and to worship God with the Burmese Chin congregation at their new building.

What a truly spirit-filled day!

I believe the 35+mph winds were just a way of reminding us of the tremendous power of the Holy Breath of God in our world and in our lives – and especially today for the Chin.

We started outside with prayer, singing, balloons and ribbon-cutting, and then gathered inside for worship.

The sanctuary was filled to capacity (and beyond), and the service was live-streamed into the fellowship hall, which was also full.

Members of the other 5 Chin churches of Midland were present; we had a strong representation from Grace; and delegations from Chin churches in Ft. Worth, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona and Oklahoma were present. Leaders of the North American Chin Baptist Association were present from Battle Creek, Michigan; Atlanta, Georgia; Indianapolis, Indianaand Des Moines, Iowa.

There was lots a great music, including two songs from The Backsliders. (Thank you, Backsliders!)

Pastor Thang’s mentor, The Rev. Dr. Stephen Kio, preached the sermon. Pastor Stephen, a distinguished guest, worked for the United Bible Society for many years and translated the Bible from English into Falam/Chin.

We were treated to a wonderful lunch after the worship – many different meats, and vegetable salads.

As always the Chin were very gracious, and their gratitude to Grace was overflowing.

And looking back over the day, my words to you, Grace, are these: Well done, good and faithful servants.

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